Our Services
The Learning Specialist | Where Learners Grow

Learning Strategies
All students benefit from explicit training in the skills that support learning.

Some students have difficulty learning math while other students are capable at math but have come upon a stumbling block with a specific type of math concept or process. Our teachers address both situations.

A student may have difficulty learning to read or reading to learn. We at The Learning Specialists are prepared to deal with either concern.

Test Preparation
Some students want to raise scores to gain admission to their school of choice; other students face hurdles caused by various learning and test-taking challenges. Our individualized approach to preparing students to succeed on high stakes testing makes our program unique and effective.

Most students know all they need to know and more to write an excellent essay or paper. They simply have not been taught the key strategies for producing and organizing text. We provide students with powerful strategies to help them improve written communication.

Technology is increasingly more integrated into our world. Our program uses a hands-on approach to teach students to use mainstream technologies as educational tools.
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