Most students know all they need to know and more to write an excellent essay or paper. They simply have not been taught the key strategies for producing and organizing text. We provide students with powerful strategies to help them improve written communication.
Some students have challenges which limit their ability to produce words through writing, for example weak spelling or handwriting. Our teachers train these students in the use of technology, e.g. speech-to-text apps, to bypass the chokepoint so that the student’s mental abilities are not consumed by writing words and are available for higher level communication.
Students have varying learning abilities and writing experiences. Our program provides intensive individualized writing instruction. We teach a modified version of the traditional writing process in order to provide the structure necessary for effective written communication.
Our program is designed to:
- Teach a 3-step writing process
- Provide students with the tools to become independent writers
- Reinforce foundational skills by instructing students in grammar and mechanics