Test Preparation
Some students want to raise scores to gain admission to their school of choice; other students face hurdles caused by various learning and test-taking challenges. Our individualized approach to preparing students to succeed on high stakes testing makes our program unique and effective.
Our approach to test preparation is diagnostic. We review a variety of data to help us understand the students’ needs and strengths. These data might come from academic records, scores and analytics from previous high stakes testing sessions, psychoeducational evaluations and practice tests administered in-house. We use these data to develop for each student a personalized test preparation plan. Our test prep programs are individualized to address the student’s objectives and to consider the student’s unique mix of learning style and academic strengths and challenges. We address the verbal, quantitative, and writing sections individually.
Our teachers begin at the skills level, remediating weaknesses in specific subject areas. Once the students have mastered these basic skills, we teach the students to apply these skills to the particular test format they will face.
All of our work is done one on one, with the student working with the same teacher each session. This model allows our teachers to develop a close working relationship with each student and, as the student’s performance profile becomes increasingly clear, to modify the program, if necessary.
If there are learning challenges which interfere with test performance and which might be addressed through testing accommodations, Dr. Taylor is available through his practice to assist with the student’s pursuit of those accommodations.
Using prior scores, we provide each student with a personalized Student Test Prep Plan. Our teachers begin at the skills level, remediating weaknesses in specific subject areas. Once students have achieved skills mastery, they move to the strategies level of instruction where they are taught to apply the skills they have learned to the particular test format. Working one-on-one with students allows our teachers to develop a close working relationship with every student. As a result, we can easily modify the program, if necessary, as the student’s learning style becomes increasingly clear. It is this individualized approach to learning that makes our program unique and effective.
We offer preparation for: